Every event or Race (we use the terms interchangeably) has to have some rules. So we’ve tried our best to list the rules that you need to know as a team captain and as a team member.
Team Captains
- A team captain must be a full-time employee of a corporation, business and/or not for profit organization in order to create a team.
- All team captains must be at least 18 years of age as of the date of registration.
- All team captains must register on-line in order to be officially entered and eligible to participate.
Team Members
- A team member may be a full-time employee, part-time employee and/or guest of a corporation, business and/or not for profit organization in order to join a team.
- All team members must be at least 18 years of age as of the date of registration, unless otherwise arranged.
- All team members must register online in order to be officially entered and eligible to participate.
- A team member must determine at the time of his/her online registration, whether he/she is going to be timed.
- Any issue regarding a team member’s eligibility shall be determined by CFR. A team member shall provide verification of eligibility to CFR upon request by CFR. All CFR decisions shall be final.
- Each team member must affirmatively declare that he/she are medically fit to participate in the CFR event, agree to all race disclosures and online waivers, acknowledge and abide by all the rules and regulations provided on this website and read carefully and check the “I agree” box upon registering
for the CFR event.
Award Eligibility
- Each company team should consist of 3 team members. In the event the company team does not have 3 team members, the company team shall not be eligible for any team awards but the team members will be eligible for individual awards.
- To be eligible for a team award, the team must consist of at least:
3 employees, each of who is over the age of 18 years old, each of who has selected to be timed and is properly wearing the CFR timing device from race start to finish.
- To be eligible to receive an individual award, the team member must be:
A full time or part time employee who is over the age of 18 years old and has selected to be timed and is properly wearing the CFR timing device from race start to finish.
- If a company team does not meet the requirement listed above, such company team shall not be eligible for team awards but can still participate in a CFR event.
Specific Race-Day Rules
- Team captains are responsible for receiving and distributing all race packet information to team
members prior to the race. - All participants must wear their assigned race numbers.
- Anyone found running with another person’s number will be disqualified and risks disqualification for the entire team.
- Race numbers must be clearly visible on the front of the torso during the race, displayed in full view, and may not be fold or cut in any way.
- Walker Policy: All walkers must start at the back of the field.
- Roller skates, roller blades, skateboards and bicycles are strictly prohibited. Depending on the race course and race venue, baby joggers, strollers and animals maybe allowed. Please contact Bruce Pienkny at brucep@corporatefunrun.com to determine
Additional Rules
- NO REFUNDS and/or REIMBURSEMENTS for any reason. All events are rain or shine races.
- For company pay teams, team race packets will not be released unless CFR has received full payment by the payment deadline or if payment arrangements have been made.
- Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable even in the case of event cancellation.
- No paper-form registrations are allowed except on race night. All registrations must be completed on line.
- CFR reserves the right to reject, disqualify, and/or remove any team member, team captain, guest or company team whose conduct, either prior to, during or after the CFR race is inappropriate to the spirit of the event. Individual disqualification may lead to the disqualification of the entire team and/or company for one or more CFR events. It is expected that team captains, team members and guests will represent their company at the CFR event in a sportsman like and professional manner.
- Each participating company team is responsible for the actions of its team captain, team members and guests, shall be held liable for any wrongdoing conducted by its team captain, team members and guest and shall fully indemnify CFR for any claims, actions or liability incurred by CFR due to the conduct of such company team’s team captain, team members and guests.
- CFR reserves in its sole discretion the right to delay, postpone, cancel or not officially time any race for any reason or no reason, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions or any other dangerous conditions. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable, even in the case of event cancellation for any reason or no reason, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions or any other dangerous conditions.
- CFR reserves in its sole discretion the right to make additions, changes or clarifications to these rules without prior notice to company teams or team members. CFR may attempt to advise teams of any rule change prior to the race, but any such change shall be considered binding upon all company teams and participants whether or not they have received noticed to the change prior to the race.
- CFR shall not be responsible nor liable for any personal items of any team captains, team members, company teams and/or guests for any reason. Each individual is responsible for the safekeeping or his/her own property.
- All rules are subject to interpretation by CFR. All decisions of CFR management are final.